Vending Machine Industry: Convenience To Social Empowerment

How vending machine industry is helping in social empowerment. Almost all of us have experienced embarrassment when buying certain products like sanitary pads, condoms, etc. from a store. Fearing judgement on the part of the owner. This uneasiness among customers is termed as “retail embarrassment”. Which is a driving factor…

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Vending Machines and Retail Shops: How are they different?

This blog will delve into the physical and digital assets that constitute a physical retail business and a vending machine chain A comparative analysis of the operations and costs between the two business models will also be discussed In today’s times when the lines between digital and physical are blurring…

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The Promising Boom of Vending Industry in the Healthcare Sector in India

The struggle of vending industry in healthcare sector When the second COVID-19 wave hit the country, almost everyone stood for hours in the long queues, trying to secure medicines and other supplies from pharmacies and hospitals. Maintaining the standard social distance of 6 feet between themselves, people were only looking…

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