Smart Vending Machines and the D2C Industry’s Success

Smart Vending Machines: The Missing Piece in the Snacking D2C Industry’s Success Puzzle  Smart Vending Machines and D2C industry go hand in hand thus the recent boom witnessed by the retail industry coupled with the increasing digitization of product and service delivery for consumers has fuelled the rise of a…

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Smart Vending Machine- What is it and how is it different

This word is a common thing to listen to these days, Smart Vending Machine. Smart Vending Machine Gone are the days when we used to think of Vending Machine as a machine which only eats our money and dispenses nothing.Just like how normal phones have become Smart, the same is…

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Unique types of Vending Machines around the World

Unique Vending Machines around the world In India, we have not seen a lot Unique types of Vending machines. But in reality there are a lot of different and Unique types of Vending Machines available in the world. Today we are going to talk about some of them and what…

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