Unique types of Vending Machines around the World

Unique Vending Machines around the world In India, we have not seen a lot Unique types of Vending machines. But in reality there are a lot of different and Unique types of Vending Machines available in the world. Today we are going to talk about some of them and what…

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how to Start your Vending Machine business in India

Vending Machine Business - A Journey  In the past few years, Vending Machine business has been on a boom and it is said to grow even more in the coming years.Indian Vending machine business market is expected to witness a substantial growth of 14.9% CAGR during 2020-2026. This proves how…

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Vending Machine Industry: Convenience To Social Empowerment

How vending machine industry is helping in social empowerment. Almost all of us have experienced embarrassment when buying certain products like sanitary pads, condoms, etc. from a store. Fearing judgement on the part of the owner. This uneasiness among customers is termed as “retail embarrassment”. Which is a driving factor…

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